You absolutely must play Pikuniku for $0,99 on Nintendo Switch

    You absolutely must play Pikuniku for $0,99 on Nintendo Switch

    It will put you in a good mood

    I know there are a lot of cheap indie games on the Nintendo Switch eShop, and I know you have a lot to play right now, but hear me out: Pikuniku is awesome, and you should grab it for 0,99 $.XNUMX.

    To start, the game normally costs $12,99 – and I think it's worth that price.

    You should download Pikuniku if you're in the mood for a sorta platformer-adventure vibe. You waltz and leap across platforms as a lanky-legged creature, but you'll also chat, search for secrets, and fill an inventory with puzzle-solving items as you travel between different areas.

    The story is about a capitalist who wants all the earth's resources for himself. It's pretty good!

    The main story mode takes a few hours to complete, and there's also a separate two-player mode with its own levels. Pikuniku local co-op is more of a side deal, but at $0,99 I can't complain.

    As I said in my review, Pikuniku might have been superficial, but the "expressive dialogue, clever framing, and charming, upbeat soundtrack do enough work to turn it into something far more endearing. is a simple game with a ton of heart that will leave you beaming when all is said and done."

    Whether you're spending money or just cashing in your My Nintendo coins, get this game.

    One last thing: the PC and Mac versions of Pikuniku are free-to-play on Steam for the next two days.

    You absolutely must play Pikuniku for $0,99 on Nintendo Switch

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