Wargame: Red Dragon is free to play again, and yes, we're still thinking about Hannibal

    Wargame: Red Dragon is free to play again, and yes, we're still thinking about Hannibal

    The Big Red You-Know-Who

    It's not the first time, and it probably won't be the last, but Eugen Systems' intimidating strategy game Wargame: Red Dragon is free to stay on PC. Sneak into the Epic Games store before March 11 and it's yours.

    If you have Red Dragon – the for another Red Dragon – in your mind, think less "a deranged man gobbles up a piece of art" and more "a deranged man convincingly fakes his death in a big-brained house fire scheme." »

    For example, I searched for a guide to get a better idea of ​​Wargame: Red Dragon, and the first thing that popped up – apparently the only thing that even needs to pop up – was this “200-page guide” on Steam with a rating five stars from a few thousand people who have had time to dig in and soak it up.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with StarCraft or C&C. If you play it like you play other RTS games, you will get your ass kicked. If you're new to Wargame, it's best to approach it as a new experience and not rely on lessons learned in other games. Eugen takes the "Wargame" moniker very seriously, and this game feels more like a fast-paced tabletop wargame than most video game RTS. The name Red Dragon comes from a faction in the game (collectively referred to as "REDFOR") and Dragon because... dragons are... cared for, I guess?

    You are doing a good job, SandyGunfox. This game is admittedly hobby-grade.

    The Epic Store's free game from March 11-18, Surviving Mars, is more up my alley. It's another repeat, though I imagine a lot of people missed the 2022 giveaway and would love another chance to build a (probably doomed) colony while many of us are in a stay-at-home mood. and get away with the city builders.

    Wargame: Red Dragon is free to play again, and yes, we're still thinking about Hannibal

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