Hollow Knight Beginner's Guide

Hollow Knight Beginner's Guide

Hollow Knight Beginner's Guide

Hollow Knight leaves you in a dark but sometimes beautiful world, armed only with a cutting edge and a sense of adventure. You'll soon discover that these strengths are enough to make survival easier, as you dig deeper and deeper into a cavernous environment filled with untold dangers. Lessons will be learned painfully, with many untimely deaths at the hands of powerful bosses and the elements, but this guide will help you learn the ropes during your first hours of play.

Contents hide 1 Obtain a map and update it 2 Research shortcuts, banks and vendors 3 Improve your chances of survival with charms. 4 Get creative with your fingernail 5 Use magic to heal and hurt. 6 Fight Your Own Dark Spirit

Get a map and update it

Hollow Knight presents a labyrinthine world full of nooks and crannies, twists and turns. Most areas are quite large, with hallways that look quite similar. As you explore, you'll eventually become familiar with the most useful pieces on the way back. However, you can make your trip easier by creating a map on the go.

Although many games have a system that automatically starts mapping as you explore, Hollow Knight makes you purchase the necessary tools using in-game currency, called geo . Valuable Geo Fragments drop whenever you defeat enemies and can sometimes be found in clusters around caves.

Towards the start of your adventure, you come across a series of mostly abandoned buildings. This place is known as the city of Dirt . Its main attraction is a well that you can deploy to start your adventure in the region of forgotten crossroads .

From where you get to the base of the pit, head left and down a large vertical pit with platforms and flying enemies (a great early location to search for geo, thanks to the relatively swarms of flying enemies weak that you can defeat) until you reach a room with pieces of parchment paper strewn everywhere. The man you meet there is called Cornifère . He makes maps and will sell you a Forgotten Crossroads map for the fairly reasonable price of 30 geo.

When you buy this map, you will find that you are missing a compass. The wayward compass It is already for sale in the building, just to the left of the well, at the top of Dirtmouth. You can buy the compass from a merchant named Iselda by 220 geo. Make it your first big investment. Grind if you have to defeat weak enemies until you can afford it.

When in the area, be sure to purchase the following:

  • Plume (120 geo): allows you to make additions to the maps, to show areas that Cornifer has not yet discovered.
  • bank pin (100 geo): Automatically mark the location of banks on your map.
  • supplier pin (100 geo): Annotate your map to include the location of the service providers you meet.

Iselda's shop includes a few other items that you should also purchase over time, so you can produce even more detailed maps, but the compass and upgrades above in particular will do their best to make your journey manageable. .

A final note on maps: when you visit a new area, you will need to explore without a map for a while. Your progress will not appear, even if you have the feather, until you have obtained the map of the Cornifer area.

Find shortcuts, banks and providers

Your first objective when arriving in a new area is to find a Bank . When you locate a bench, you can lean on it and use it as a checkpoint. If you fall in battle, you will resume your adventure from the bench where you last rested.

Sitting on a bench also equips the amulets that you have found or purchased. Charms allow you to customize your character. If you have the feather in your possession, the break bench also updates your map, filling in previously unmarked areas you've visited.

After locating a bank, you can continue exploring without fear of losing too much progress at once. Areas tend to contain a few banks, so in general it makes sense to let your search radiate from one particular bank until you find another. Then repeat the process, gradually venturing into a deeper area.

As you explore, research Cornifer so you can purchase his latest map and track your progress more easily. You'll often hear it humming happily as you get closer, and there will be bits of parchment paper strewn about the hallways like breadcrumbs to let you know you're headed in the right direction.

The stations They are another point of interest, and you will find one in each main area. When you first visit a station, you must pay a fee to unlock its door. After that you can ring a bell and summon a giant creature, The Last Deer, which will take you to any other available station. This is Hollow Knight's form of fast travel and it saves a lot of time.

Just remember not to fast travel all the time, because sometimes backtracking through areas while having new and exciting abilities can draw your attention to hidden rooms or shortcuts that you may have missed or forgotten. These rooms can contain charms or other almost essential treasures for your adventure.

Improve your chances of survival with charms.

Enchantments are particularly vital elements in the world of Hollow Night as they allow you to improve your character's attributes, behavior and mobility. The compass you bought from Iselda is an example of a basic charm. You'll also find other enchantments that allow you to run more often, gain more souls by hitting objects, regain extra health by resting on benches, and more.

You can only equip a few charms at a time, regardless of how many you collect, and you can only assign charms while sitting on a bench. Charms require one, two, or three slots, out of an available total that gradually increases as you progress through the game. Increase the maximum number of enchantments you can equip by finding or purchasing enchantment slots .

You will find many Charms and a number of Charm Notches hidden in secluded locations. They tend to force you through a group of difficult enemies or environmental hazards to reach a dead-end chamber visible on the map. A merchant named Health He has also assembled a variety of Charms and Notches which he sells in his shop, located in the southeast part of Forgotten Crossroads. The store is located on a high ledge, so to access it you will first need to acquire the Cape of the Moth Wing (Defeat the Mother Gruz mini-boss, found asleep in a boss chamber near the eastern side of the Forgotten Crossroads.)

Get creative with your nail

A simple slash with the nail you trust as a weapon is the most reliable method of taking out many enemies, but you have to use other approaches as you go. Some enemies throw a shield to prevent a standard bar from hitting them, but a quick jump followed by a bar can target a weak area and get the job done.

Exploration sometimes requires pushing down with the nail when jumping. Use this technique to bounce off spikes that would otherwise hurt you. Sometimes you may have to cross a large body of water, on which there are armored enemies. You can bounce on your back to avoid getting hurt or falling into deadly puddles. Elsewhere, tapping on the gum berries lets you leap to new heights as you explore the vertical axes.

You can also point your nail up holding it while cutting. If you're stationary, this can be a great way to attack enemies that fall on you, or shoot elevator switches later in the campaign. Putting a block between you and an enemy (or their projectiles) and letting it come your way from above, then cutting it with an upward thrust can be particularly satisfying and effective.

When hitting enemies with your fingernail, you usually hit yourself a short distance from impact. This hit also affects your enemies. Be careful not to be pushed off a ledge into a chasm. Give yourself enough space to work and develop a rhythm. Some enemies roll towards you, recoil when hit, and almost immediately recoil towards you. You need to hit them two or three times before they succumb to your attack. Later in the game, you can find a charm that eventually removes recoil.

Use magic to heal and hurt.

All magic spells consume the same amount of soul, which means that if you heal too often, you won't have enough soul left when you need to unleash a powerful attack that could prevent you from taking high damage from hands of a delay. nimble enemy. Casting magic spells everywhere also prevents you from healing until you do more damage with your fingernail. Therefore, you have to find a balance.

In general, it is worth eliminating all the opponents you encounter at the start of the campaign using only the nail. This leaves soul energy available for healing. Enemies can sometimes hit you multiple times before you can take them out, if not more. Bosses, in particular, are devastating and capable of inflicting damage quickly. One of the benefits of getting used to only using the nail to defeat most enemies is that you develop the skills to resist as the Hollow Knight campaign progresses and the challenges increase.

Fight your own dark spirit

If your battle with the enemies and the elements does not go well, you will lose the last of your vitality and crumble into a heap, how blackened your mind, your shadows, emerges from the corpse and looms menacingly.

Remember where you fell and return to the spot. The spirit will wait for you and hook you into battle. Don't let it catch you off guard. Even if you fell in battle a long distance in a particular hallway, your vengeful spirit will be located near the entrance to that hallway. Quickly remove it so it doesn't delete you.

Luckily, your mind isn't as powerful as a nuisance. He gains magic like you do, but you can usually rush in and get a hit before he really realizes you've even arrived. Then you can continue with another hit or two in no time and the battle is over, plain and simple. If you try to proceed more carefully, you might find time to cast some magic on yourself. The trick is to act quickly and decisively.

If it turns out your mind is in a place that's hard to return to, a main city provider can retrieve it for the price of one. stale egg (a limited resource in the game). It's worth doing if your mind has a lot of money and you don't want to take a risk.

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