Review of “Cyberpunk 2077: The Complete Official Guide”
Legend has it that one dark night in Night City, a shadowy figure escaped its streets with no other purpose than to reveal every one of its secrets… No doubt that would have been fine, but the reality is. another one. Edited by the eternal Piggyback, we get the official Cyberpunk 2077 guide, the latest release from CD Projeckt. Distributed in Spain by Koch Media, it represents a very positive reinforcement for the development of a title that has been talked about a lot lately.
With texts in Spanish, we have two options: standard and collector's editions. In our case we will talk about the second, although we cannot leave without telling you that the first has a price of € 19,99 for its 336 pages. For its part, the collector's edition has 368 full color pages and a premium hardcover. The difference in price is due to the additional content (a visual review of Night City) and the type of paper: it is of higher quality. To be fair, and after comparing the two, these 10 euros are worth it, even if it already depends on each one.
Contents hide 1 Cyberpunk 2077: The Complete Official Guide 2 Discover the Night City 3 ConclusionCyberpunk 2077: the complete official guide
Guide Cyberpunk 2077
Thus, the guide is divided into the following chapters:
- Quick Start
- Night city
- introduction
- Guide to complete the game
- main dishes
- secondary courses
- Detection of cyberpsychopaths
- Orders
- NCPD scanner shenanigans
- Atlas
- Inventory
- References and analysis
- additional Features
By way of introduction, the guide presents its general index. Thanks to this, players can consult specific help to avoid spoilers; These are specific aids like a query in the search engine, but more precise. Then, a note that reminds us of an inescapable reality: updates may upset the printed balance, but that they will try – by all means – to keep the guide up to date through digital notes that we can access. Finally, they give us a code that we can redeem on the Piggyback site to enjoy an interactive map of the city.
You could say that the first few pages are introductory -and I wouldn't lie-, but the reality is that after the quick start, we end up with a very comprehensive collection of characters. In no less than 50 pages, as an infographic with data in text boxes, the book introduces us to the most important characters of the video game in a concrete, but detailed way, and without revealing dangerous information. In almost total communion with the aesthetics of Cyberpunk 2077 transports us into its universe in a very immersive way.
Discover the night city
Guide Cyberpunk 2077
Here is the guide to complete the game. Although it claims to be an independent section, it is closely related to the following sections. So he gives us an exhaustive analysis of the guidelines, tips and routes that we can follow to overcome each of the game's missions. Without going into details, he exposes even the most secret secrets of a world that wants to be immense through texts, maps, images and other very well drawn support elements. In this sense, it fulfills its mission perfectly. For its part, the atlas offers a very useful additional support with aerial views with information on the different districts of Night City.
On the other hand, in the chapters of Inventory Yes references and analyzes we discover all the relevant details related to clothing, weapons, consumables, etc. that we can use when we leave. The following point is particularly useful, as it reveals the conditions and characteristics of each level and the improvement of the character. far from experiencing, we can develop a development plan adapted to our needs. Regarding the extras, beyond the fact that they offer a photographic report of different places and characters of Cyberpunk 2077, I can't tell you much, because more than one spoilers could fall. In any case, it is a unique and very interesting section that is worth the effort.
Guide Cyberpunk 2077
Concretely, Cyberpunk 2077: the complete official guide is a great option for those who want to deepen their knowledge of Night City and/or have some outside help to beat the game. Unlike the already proliferating internet guides, this one is well done. Sorry, there's no way to compete with a Piggyback product because they've been doing it for years. Their knowledge of the game is impressive, if not surprisingly, since they usually collaborate -directly- with the developers. Either way, a highly recommended option for the game's most ardent fans. As a collector's item, an exceptional one. As a guide, perfect.
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