Trolls are the scourge of the Black Forest. In most cases, it's a good idea to turn tail and run away when a Troll emerges to smash everything in its path. Trolls are a natural disaster in monster form, and they'll knock over anything in sight if you let them - and that's what makes them a perfect farming tool in Valheim.
Using Trolls, you can rampage through an entire forest to collect endless amounts of wood with half the work. Or you can even get copper early - you can also get other types of wood early, like thin wood, but it's much harder. We'll just focus on using Trolls to get rich in Wood…and maybe how to get some extra Copper.
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Trolls are you friends | How to Use Trolls to Farm Wood
The method is really simple. It's helpful to set up a portal so you can quickly get to/from the area, or use a friend to kite the troll while you're busy collecting, but neither is 100%. All you need is a troll.
Trolls are giant monsters found in the Black Forest Biome. To get all the wood you could possibly need, find one with a tree trunk club. They will swing wildly through wooded areas and you will quickly see how quickly they chop down trees. To farm wood, you'll need to lure them to fallen trees so they can chop them down, allowing you to run around and collect the wood.
It even works on hard trees like birch. Trolls can (and eventually will) chop them down and smash the wood, giving you early access to Fine Wood and all the recipes that unlock when you pick it up. But it takes much longer. You'll have to really kite the trolls to get them to hit the woods that often.
You can also use trolls to early copper mine. You can't mine copper / tin until you get a pickaxe normally. If you don't want to wait, just lure a troll to a copper deposit. Each deposit has approximately 6 ~ copper ore inside, just let the trolls smash the ground and reveal additional copper underground at the deposit. Tin is much more difficult to farm, simply because each deposit only contains about 1 tin ore. However, it is technically possible!
You know what I mean? Trolls are not just your enemies! They can also be your best friends and provide you with valuable loot from the start of your adventure. Don't let them crush you on the head.